Phase I
- Fifteen (15) Enhanced Vertical Deepwater Trees (EVDT) comprising of 8 production trees plus one spare, 4 water injection trees, and 2 gas injection trees
- Three (3) production, One (1) gas injection, and One (1) water injection manifold
- Subsea Drilling Systems
- Subsea Production Control Systems
- Subsea Distribution System
- Flowline Connection Systems
- Completion and Workover Riser System
- Related subsea equipment and life of field support
The Gumusut-Kakap field is located northwest offshore of Sabah,
Malaysia. Gumusut-Kakap will utilize FMC’s 5x2” 10K EVDT tree
system configured in different ways to accommodate the needs
of the field. All trees will be provided for API Material Class HH
utilizing CRA cladding on all production wetted surfaces. The
maximum flowing temperature condition is 210oF (99oC) and
anticipated flowing pressures up to 6,000 psi.
The project will utilize the modular EVDT tree concept with
standardized tree materials allowing for interchangeability for
production, water injection, and gas injection tree styles. The
primary difference is the FMC retrievable flow control module
(FCM) which allows easy conversion between tree systems to
allow project flexibility. The production FCM includes a bolted
bonnet choke with multi-phase meter packaged in a single unit
and included insulation to achieve a 10-hr thermal cool-down
The project will provide Shell with state of the art high speed
communications using the FMC 200e protocol. The 200e system
provides minimum of 9600 baud communication rate with full
duplex point-to-point communications. This enhances the
performance of data flow between the FPS and subsea architecture
and is designed to consider a 40 SCM’s for current and
future phases.
The field comprises of three unique manifold styles. Three
production manifolds are provided with dual 8-inch headers and
6-inch branches completed with API material class HH trim
components and Novolastic insulation for production, water
injection and gas injection configurations. The manifold utilizes
hydraulically actuated M3000 valves controlled by a manifold
mounted subsea control module. The jumper connection
systems utilize field proven Torus-III connector systems with
integral hydraulics and MC metal-to-metal gaskets.
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